
Our Mission as the BBC:

The Bull Breed Coalition is the founding registry of the ShortyBull. Established in 2002, the BBC’s primary purpose is to ensure that accurate pedigree information is recorded and kept on the Shortybull. As well as provide the standard in which the breed will be judged around the world. The BBC also works to preserve, protect, and cultivate the ShortyBull as it continues to flourish as a breed around the globe.

The BBC will sanction four annual events a year around the country and will be closely working in conjunction with the National Shortybull Club of America. The purpose of the events will be to showcase the overall soundness of the breed through conformation, temperament, obedience. Also with endurance shows, tests, and trials. One of the primary goals of the registry is to encourage involvement with the breed. An active dog is a healthy, and a healthy dog is a happy dog. This motto is at the root of our primary objective to promote active and involved pet ownership.

The BBC will always promote responsible, ownership and breeding practices for any breeds recognized by the organization. The promotions of these principles are achieved through breed symposiums, working with national and local rescue organizations. While maintaining an open dialogue with fellow organizations promoting the Shortybull. The BBC works with other Bull Breed organizations in regards to the standard, and general questions involving the Shortybull.

The Bull Breed Coalition will continue pushing education as a key staple in breed development. By educating owners the organization hopes to increase the quality of dogs registered over simply increasing the quantity of dogs registered with the organization. BBC breeders are encouraged to breed for the complete dog by creating better than what they started with. The Bull Breed Coalition strives to put the dogs first, by promoting winning from the whelping box to the winners circle!

Join us as we push forward!BBC